What to Expect

We’re honored that you would consider taking a portion of your weekend to gather together with us. If you’ve never been with us before, you can expect a few things. First, you can expect to be welcomed graciously. First Church is for everyone, regardless of your background, social status, net worth, or race. We’re a diverse community that celebrates its diversity. Secondly, you can expect not to encounter a dress code. Some people wear dresses and suits, while others feel more comfortable in jeans and a hoodie. If it doesn’t distract from worshipping Jesus, we’re for it! Finally, you can expect to catch on quickly. We have people in place prepared to answer any questions you may have. In fact, when the service ends, we’d love if you’d stop by our “Starting Point” room near the main lobby entrance. As the name suggests, we hope it’s the first step in a long journey together toward Jesus.


Service Times

9:30 – Worship Service

10:45 – Connection Classes


901 Saint Andrews Road

Columbia, SC 29210